Return of Drive-By Voting

Return of Drive-By Voting

The NH Legislature is Considering Bills to Eliminate the Reforms of Senate Bill 3 and House Bill 1264. GST has long advocated for reform of New Hampshire Election Laws. GST supports legislation so that people who vote in New Hampshire actually live in New Hampshire....
Secretary of State Bill Gardner

Secretary of State Bill Gardner

Bill Gardner Has Been Re-Elected as Secretary of State. On December 5, 2018, Gardner narrowly won re-election to his 22nd term as Secretary of State. The combined New Hampshire House and Senate membership voted to re-elect him on their second ballot. On the first...
Secretary of State Bill Gardner

A Non-Political Secretary of State

Tom Thomson comments on the Secretary of State Election to be held December 5, 2018. His remarks are presented below with his permission. We Need a Non-Political Secretary of State’s Office in NH For the past 42 years NH has had just that; a non-political...
Secretary of State Bill Gardner

2020 FITN Primary Could Be Last

Michael Graham commented on the First In The Nation Primary in the NH Journal November 20, 2018. His remarks are presented below with his permission. Three Reasons Why 2020’s FITN Primary Could Be New Hampshire’s Last If you think the influence of the New Hampshire...
Secretary of State Bill Gardner

GST Recommends Bill Gardner

GST Supports Re-Electing Bill Gardner as Secretary of State on 12/5/18!. New Hampshire House and Senate members will vote in the election on Organization Day. Gardner has been an ally in GST efforts to promote election law reform. Re-Electing Gardner has been...