by GST | Aug 11, 2020 | Opinion, Special Alerts
Surveys Completed for 2020 Primary Candidates for Governor, Council, NH House and Senate. Granite State Taxpayers sent surveys to 931 primary candidates for their positions on taxpayer issues. The surveys were mailed to 463 Republican and 468 Democrat primary...
by GST | Jul 15, 2020 | Opinion, Special Alerts
Thoughts on Taxes for Tax Day July 15, 2020! Amid the Coronavirus pandemic, let’s remember progress made on taxes and who was responsible. Let’s remember some advocates of keeping taxes low to increase freedom: Mel Thomson, co-founder of GST in 1990, an...
by GST | Jul 10, 2020 | Opinion, Special Alerts
The 2020 GST Candidate Survey is Open! The survey covers candidates for Governor, Executive Council and the New Hampshire House and Senate. CLICK HERE to take the GST Candidate Survey. Granite State Taxpayers surveys primary candidates for their positions on taxpayer...
by GST | Jun 19, 2020 | Legislation, Special Alerts
We all know that before HB1264 and SB3, NH laws allowed residents of other states to vote in NH. NH is unique in doing so as 49 states and DC require voters to be residents and prove they are. Out of state residents registering on election day and then voting in NH...
by GST | May 29, 2020 | Opinion, Special Alerts
Michael Graham commented on “Mail-in Voting” in the NH Journal May 27, 2020. His remarks are presented below with his permission. Click here to read them on line....