Domestic Migration: State to State Moves

Domestic Migration: State to State Moves

Domestic Migration: A Benefit of Federalism The United States is comprised of individual states, each having their own sovereignty. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States...
Standing with Governor on Vetoes

Standing with Governor on Vetoes

Sen. Chuck Morse and House Minority Leader Rep. Dick Hinch comment on the budget veto. Their comments appeared in the September 18, 2019 New Hampshire Union Leader. Sen. Chuck Morse and Rep. Dick Hunch — Standing with governor on vetoes is easy decision TODAY IN...
Standing with Governor on Vetoes

Dick Hinch Comments on Budget

House Minority Leader Rep. Dick Hinch comments on the budget process. His comments appeared in the August 1, 2019 New Hampshire Union Leader. Democrats’ tax plan and fuzzy accounting are too risky WOULD YOU BUY a new, more expensive home with your one-time bonus from...
Don’t Cripple the NH Economy

Don’t Cripple the NH Economy

Greg Moore, NH state director of Americans for Prosperity, discusses the current budget process. His comments appeared in the July 12, 2019 New Hampshire Union Leader. Don’t throw cold water on New Hampshire’s hot economy In the South you often hear the phrase, “If it...