Makers and Takers

Makers and Takers

GST Works for Taxpayers to Counter the Spending Schemes of Governments and Special Interests. Special Interests implement their goals and programs by leveraging government access and funds. Liberal (socialist) politicians are eager to increase government power and...
GST Christmas Party 12/11/23 with Frank Edelblut

GST Christmas Party 12/11/23 with Frank Edelblut

Granite State Taxpayers Christmas Party with NH Education Commissioner Frank Edelblut. Commissioner Edelblut will comment on: Education reforms, NH student performance versus other states. Strategies to reduce the cost of education and the tax burden associated with...
GST Summer Meeting with Corey Lewandowski

GST Summer Meeting with Corey Lewandowski

How has the current administration impacted Taxpayers? Immigration, spending, inflation, tax policies, energy costs, foreign policy, regulations and more. The last two years have brought serious impacts in all aspects of our lives. For two examples, here are graphs of...
Taxes Have Consequences

Taxes Have Consequences

Why Taxes Matter From the Committee to Unleash Prosperity on February 28, 2023. CSPAN and FreedomWorks aired Arthur Laffer and co-authors Brian Domitrovic and Jeanne Sinquefeld discussing their new history of the impact of tax policy on growth and prosperity. It’s a...
The 2022 Election

The 2022 Election

Granite State Taxpayers recognizes the effect that low spending, which equates to low taxes, will have on our day-to-day lives. GST supports lower taxes so that each taxpayer keeps more of their income to use as they see fit. More discretionary income increases...