Dems Sue for Out of State Voters

Dems Sue for Out of State Voters

The NH Democrat Party and its allies are Suing to Give Out of State Residents Voting Rights in NH. The 2017-2018 Republican majority passed two reforms for voter identification and proof of residency. Senate Bill (SB) 3 required registrants to provide documentation...
Sununu Vetoes Drive-By Voting

Sununu Vetoes Drive-By Voting

Governor Sununu has Vetoed HB 105 and HB 106 that Eliminate the Reforms of SB 3 and HB 1264. Senate Bill (SB) 3 required registrants to provide documentation showing a presence in state. House Bill (HB) 1264 defined residency to close the loophole allowing residents...
Manchester School Budget Busts Tax Cap

Manchester School Budget Busts Tax Cap

Manchester School Budget Busts Tax Cap Busted Manchester Board of Mayor and Aldermen voted to approve a $353 million fiscal year 2020 budget. The budget provides $176 million for schools and $156.6 million for city services, and overrides the city tax cap. This marks...
State-Run FMLI Vetoed

State-Run FMLI Vetoed

Governor Sununu Vetoes State-Run Family Medical Leave Insurance! GST has opposed and testified against a state run mandated Family Medical Leave Insurance program. The Governor hasn’t yet issued a press statement, and really doesn’t need to. This image...
Sununu Vetoes Drive-By Voting

Election Law Pretense

Senator Shaheen and Dem Presidential Candidates Criticize NH Voting being only for NH Residents. GST supported HB 1264 to end voting in NH by residents (6,540 in 2016) of other states. Democrats really do want residents (particularly students) of other states to vote...