GST Testimony on Election Law

GST Testimony on Election Law

GST Testified against Bills to Eliminate the Reforms of Senate Bill 3 and House Bill 1264. Senate Bill (SB) 3 required registrants to provide documentation showing a presence in state. House Bill (HB) 1264 defined residency to close the loophole allowing residents of...
GST Testimony on Election Law

Return of Drive-By Voting

The NH Legislature is Considering Bills to Eliminate the Reforms of Senate Bill 3 and House Bill 1264. GST has long advocated for reform of New Hampshire Election Laws. GST supports legislation so that people who vote in New Hampshire actually live in New Hampshire....
Sales Tax Invasion Has Begun!

Sales Tax Invasion Has Begun!

Andrew Cline from the Josiah Bartlett Center comments on the Wayfair Supreme Court Decision. His comments in a November 30, 2018 Josiah Bartlett Center blog post, are presented with permission. THE SALES TAX INVASION HAS BEGUN, NH. In zombie movies, unsuspecting...
Wayfair and the New Hampshire Advantage

Wayfair and the New Hampshire Advantage

Andrew Cline from the Josiah Bartlett Center comments on the Wayfair Supreme Court Decision. His comments in a October 26, 2018 Josiah Bartlett Center blog post, are presented with his permission. Wayfair and the New Hampshire Advantage Recently retired U.S. Supreme...
Taxpayer Pledge Reception

Taxpayer Pledge Reception

The Taxpayer Pledge Reception October 24, 2018 was a Great Success! Grover Norquist and Tommy Thomson congratulated and thanked New Hampshire Pledge Takers. Click here to learn about the Americans for Tax Reform Taxpayer Protection Pledge. Activists heard Grover...