Granite State Taxpayers Blog

We write articles about legislation and policy affecting NH taxpayers.

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Why Sailcars Never Caught On

Why Sailcars Never Caught On

Wind blows when it wants to, not when users of wind energy need it to. Wind power generation isn't reliable. It's often not there when needed the most during extreme cold and heat. That issue prevents it from being a reliable base load power source. The necessity of...

SCOTUS Ruling on AZ Law Bolsters NHGOP ‘Ballot Security’ Efforts

Election Integrity Status

Following is a current status of election integrity issues in NH and DC. US SUPREME COURT DECISIONS TO REMEMBER One strong and entirely legitimate state interest is the prevention of fraud. Ensuring that every vote is cast freely, without intimidation or undue...

Republican Budget Reduces Your Taxes!

Republican Budget Reduces Your Taxes!

Republican Budgets Reduce Your Taxes. Recently, Republicans in Concord passed, and Governor Sununu signed, a balanced budget that reduces state spending and taxes for families, retirees, businesses and tourists, directly reduces property taxes, and increases payments...

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