Granite State Taxpayers Blog

We write articles about legislation and policy affecting NH taxpayers.

You can check out our most recent posts below or explore some of our more popular topics:

GST Report on 2021 – 2022 Activities

GST Report on 2021 – 2022 Activities

Granite State Taxpayers has announced the following report on 2021 – 2022 activities. This report was delivered at the GST Biennial Meeting on December 12, 2022. GST efforts include research on issues, website and Facebook posts, Member and Legislator emails,...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Seasons Greetings from Granite State Taxpayers! The Board of Directors and I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We're thankful for the members of Granite State Taxpayers and for others who share our values. We're thankful for men...

Elections Made Simple

Elections Made Simple

Democrats Say They Want to Make Elections "More Accessible." More accessible to non-residents, non-citizens, dead people, etc. Or to make the election law more complex and with less security against fraud. Democrats in Washington tried to take over elections for the...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from Granite State Taxpayers! We wish you and your family and friends the very best on this occasion as we reflect upon and celebrate the blessings we all enjoy. Ray Chadwick, Chairman, Granite State Taxpayers

Biennial Meeting 12/12/22 at Murphy’s Manchester

Biennial Meeting 12/12/22 at Murphy’s Manchester

The GST Biennial Meeting will be on Monday 12/12/22 in Manchester! Agenda: Announce the results of the 2023 - 2024 Board Member election Report on GST Activities in 2021 - 2022 Legislative leaders have been invited to share their perspective on what to expect in 2023:...

It Matters Which Party Has the Majority

It Matters Which Party Has the Majority

The Majority Party in the Congress or the NH Legislature Controls the Agenda. The Majority decides what legislation gets advanced, what gets investigated, and who is subpoenaed. The Majority can work in favor of taxpayers and citizens and their rights, or against...

Elections Made Simple

The 2022 Election

Granite State Taxpayers recognizes the effect that low spending, which equates to low taxes, will have on our day-to-day lives. GST supports lower taxes so that each taxpayer keeps more of their income to use as they see fit. More discretionary income increases...

Zuckerbucks in Michigan

Zuckerbucks in Michigan

The Federalist has published a report on how Zuckerbucks helped shift Michigan Voting Rules. GST previously reported on this effort to manipulate elections on behalf of Democrats. We've also commented on 2020 Election Issues. Read the Federalist: Zuckerberg-Connected...

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PO Box 6212, Manchester, NH 03103

Call Us: (603) 731-9595