Sununu Fighting MA Efforts To Raise Taxes on NH Citizens

Sununu Fighting MA Efforts To Raise Taxes on NH Citizens

New Hampshire Governor Sununu Is Fighting Massachusetts Efforts To Raise Taxes on NH Citizens By Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist His comments in the October 25, 2020 New Hampshire Union Leader are presented with permission. TOO MANY POLITICIANS are...
Big Spender States Want You to Bail Them Out

Big Spender States Want You to Bail Them Out

High Tax, High Spend States are looking for a “Covid Crisis” Bail-Out from Federal Taxpayers. The impacts of the Covid crisis shutdowns are already driving unprecedented Federal spending. Much of that is to help States with unemployment and other costs of...
Thank You Event a Success!

Thank You Event a Success!

GST Gathered to Thank Gov. Sununu, Sen. Morse and Rep. Hinch for Upholding the NH Advantage. Hinch, Morse and Sununu spoke and explained how they Protected the NH Advantage as a Team Effort! Click here to watch their comments. New Hampshire prospered under Governor...
Thanks for the Vetoes!

Thanks for the Vetoes!

The Vetoes that Protected the NH Advantage were a Team Effort! Democrats passed bills to advance their radical agenda. At our Rally on 3/30/19, Gov. Sununu pledged to use his veto power to stop their mischief! He vetoed 57 bills that would have impacted taxpayers,...