Goodbye to Voting for President

Goodbye to Voting for President

The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact will end your ability to affect the Presidential Election. Democrats in NH advanced HB 541, allocating electoral college electors based on the national popular vote. The National Popular Vote interstate compact would...
Crossing Lines and Harming NH

Crossing Lines and Harming NH

Senators Jeb Bradley and Chuck Morse discuss current legislation and the budget process. Their comments appeared in the June 13, 2019 New Hampshire Union Leader. Crossing bright lines that harm New Hampshire Sen. Jeb Bradley & Sen. Chuck Morse IN 2011 when we...
Crossing Lines and Harming NH

GST Secretary Comments on Budget

Granite State Taxpayers Secretary Dan McGuire summarizes the New Hampshire Budget proposal: While the Senate version of the budget is somewhat better than the House’s (no capital gains tax), it has many of the same flaws: – Spends all but $5M of the $166M...
Governor Vetoes Net Metering HB 365

Governor Vetoes Net Metering HB 365

Governor Sununu Vetoed the Bill (HB 365) to Expand the Size of Facilities Subject to Net Metering InsideSpources Michael Graham presented an excellent summary on Net Metering and HB 365 on June 3, 2019. Here’s a summary of that report. With Net Metering,...
State-Run FMLI Vetoed

State-Run FMLI Vetoed

Governor Sununu Vetoes State-Run Family Medical Leave Insurance! GST has opposed and testified against a state run mandated Family Medical Leave Insurance program. The Governor hasn’t yet issued a press statement, and really doesn’t need to. This image...
Goodbye to Voting for President

Election Law Pretense

Senator Shaheen and Dem Presidential Candidates Criticize NH Voting being only for NH Residents. GST supported HB 1264 to end voting in NH by residents (6,540 in 2016) of other states. Democrats really do want residents (particularly students) of other states to vote...